Expected Quality & Reliability

Automated testing Code quality Estimation Production support
Junior Engineer Able to write automated tests, requires some help Code is easily understood
Engineer By habit on most changes Produces loosely coupled, highly cohesive code. Proactively improves existing code opportunistically Work is often delivered within estimated time Can resolve production issues, does on-call
Senior Engineer Ensures team have high coding standards and apply consistent with testing methodology Assess, measures and encourages improvement of code within team Work is almost always delivered within estimated time Proactively monitors production systems, may do on call
Staff Engineer Seeks to ensure common understanding of testing standards through department Assess, measures and encourages improvement of code within department Able to plan significant technical work across multiple teams. Aids in predictable delivery Runs incident management and blameless post-mortems
Principal Engineer Identifies and improves organisational coding behaviors Ensures predictable delivery on significant company-wide tech projects Finds patterns and solutions across the company to improve production environment
Distinguished Engineer Identifies organisational coding behaviors and uses this knowledge to improve Scout