Expected Influence

Self Delivery Team Department Company Industry
Junior Engineer Focus on improving core skills Contributes with support of others
Engineer Demonstrates passion to learn new skills, improves work with new skills Contributes, may need support with complex tasks. Supports juniors Collaborates with those beyond delivery team
Senior Engineer Demonstrates passion to learn, applies learnings to improve team Tackles hard technical problems. Helps colleagues within same team Fully knowledgeable of delivery team’s codebases, occasionally works beyond team Occasionally trains other engineers in the company on their area of responsibility
Staff Engineer Demonstrates passion to learn, applies learnings to improve department Multiple delivery teams noticeably benefit from Staff Engineer Known expert in department. Improves practices in department. Ensures tech health Improves skills of those in the company, occasionally works beyond core department Talks at public events. Contributes to open source projects
Principal Engineer Demonstrates passion to learn, applies learnings to improve the company Consulted on big tech decisions, respected across the company Promotes the technical interests of Scout the outsite world such as through talks at public events, publication of articles or open-source contributions.
Distinguished Engineer Demonstrates passion to learn, applies learnings to improve Scout Provides guidance to tech staff across the company. Influences the Executive Leadership Team's decisions. Attracts engineers to Scout through their public profile. Drives the open source policies of Scout